Welcome to FES Turkey

Turkey Office

Istanbul Office
+90 212 310 82 37
+90 212 258 70 91

Ankara Office
+90 312 441 85 96


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Democracy and Human Rights

Democracy and Human Rights

A strong democracy worldwide - based on the basic values freedom, justice and solidarity - is a desirable goal of our work. Social democracy wants the same rights for all; no matter of the heritage, sex and social background. More

Labor and Social Justice

Labor and Social Justice

We endeavour to support a socially just society which is based on a sustainably developed economy. Especially under the terms of a fast growing economy, it is important to promote a socially just market economy. More

Foreign Policy, Regional Cooperation and Peace

Foreign Policy, Regional Cooperation and Peace

FES aims to support for building constructive dialog between Turkey and its neighbors such as the European Union as well as for strengthening Turkey’s well-functioning, cooperation-oriented relations. More


13.12.2024 | Labor and Social Justice, Publication, Event-EN

"Report on Working Class Protests in Türkiye 2023" written by The Labor Studies Collective


11.12.2024 | Türkei-Nachrichten, Event-EN

Die Türkei steht vor tiefgreifenden Herausforderungen. Die jüngste Initiative zur Lösung der Kurdenfrage wird vielfach als taktisches Manöver für eine…


11.07.2024 | Türkei-Nachrichten, Event-EN

Nach harten Wahlkämpfen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen zeichnet sich eine neue Dialogpolitik zwischen der regierenden AKP und der größten…

Turkey Newsletter

Turkey Newsletter

Our quarterly Newsletter offers backgrounds, information and insights from Turkey in German. More


Türkei Nachrichten

Türkei Nachrichten

Istanbul, 2024, 2007-2011

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Youth Study Türkiye 2024

Lüküslü, Demet; Uzun, Begüm

Youth Study Türkiye 2024

Committed democrats yet ardent nationalists ; Turkey's youth at the crossroads
Istanbul, 2024

Download publication (6,5 MB PDF-File)

Gençlik araştırması Türkiye 2024

Lüküslü, Demet; Uzun, Begüm

Gençlik araştırması Türkiye 2024

Kararlı demokratlar mı yoksa coşkulu milliyetçiler mi?: Yol ayrımında Türkiye gençliği
Istanbul, 2024

Download publication (6,5 MB PDF-File)

FES Digital Library

FES Digital Library

Please visit the FES library website to search for all full-text publications published by FES offices worldwide. More

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Displacement, Migration, Integration

Displacement, Migration, Integration

Worldwide, we have not seen such a high number of people who had to flee their homes since World War II. Authoritarian regimes, violence and war, climate change and its consequences, but also the unequal distribution of jobs and prosperity force people to leave their countries of origin.


International Trade Union Policy

International Trade Union Policy

If our aim is to promote Social Democracy worldwide, then we must first strengthen unions. Through them, employees can shape society economically, socially and politically –ultimately aiming for decent work and social justice.


Global Labour University

Global Labour University

The Global Labour University (GLU) is a network of trade unions, universities, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the ILO (International Labour Organisation) to deliver high-level qualification programmes.


Shaping a Just World

Shaping a Just World

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This global plan of action combines human development and the fight against poverty with ecological transformation, sustainable economic development, peace, and international cooperation.


FES EU-Office Brussels

FES EU-Office Brussels

The EU Office participates in the European integration process, backs and accompanies the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany in Europe and contributes to shaping the external relations of the European Union.


FES in the MENA Region

FES in the MENA Region

The promotion of social democratic values, including democratic and inclusive decision-making, social justice, sustainable economic development, the preservation of the environment for everybody, and peaceful international relations, are at the core of FES’ activities in the MENA region.
