
19.02.2025 | Foreign Policy, Regional Cooperation and Peace, Event-EN, News-EN

Security Radar 2025 builds on a representative public opinion poll conducted in 14 countries.


13.12.2024 | Labor and Social Justice, Publication, Event-EN

"Report on Working Class Protests in Türkiye 2023" written by The Labor Studies Collective


11.12.2024 | Türkei-Nachrichten, Event-EN

Die Türkei steht vor tiefgreifenden Herausforderungen. Die jüngste Initiative zur Lösung der Kurdenfrage wird vielfach als taktisches Manöver für eine…


11.07.2024 | Türkei-Nachrichten, Event-EN

Nach harten Wahlkämpfen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen zeichnet sich eine neue Dialogpolitik zwischen der regierenden AKP und der größten…


02.05.2024 | Türkei-Nachrichten, Event-EN

Die jüngsten Kommunalwahlen haben einen tiefgreifenden Wandel in der politischen Landschaft eingeleitet. Insbesondere die CHP hat einen…


04.09.2023 | Democracy and Human Rights, Event-EN

The first semester of the "Feminist Theory School" organized for the first time with Gaziantep Kırkayak Cultural Center has been successfully…


14.12.2022 | Democracy and Human Rights, Event-EN

On 14 - 18 November 2022, 10 women activists fighting for women's and LGBTI+ Rights in various fields held meetings with various institutions, groups…


| Event-EN, Labor and Social Justice

The theme of the tenth edition of the interdisciplinary RSW conference, organized by a group of social work researchers, practitioners and social…


| Democracy and Human Rights, Publication, Event-EN, News-EN

The study “Unequal Democracies: Who does (not) have a seat in parliament?” by Lea Elsässer and Armin Schäfer was presented on 7 October in Ankara and…


| Labor and Social Justice, Event-EN

Together with partners from IndustriALL Global and IndustriALL Europe and with the participation of Turkish trade unionists from Türk-İş, Hak-İş and…


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