
01.06.2019 | Foreign Policy, Regional Cooperation and Peace, Publication

Building Peace Together: A practical guide

With 80 real-world examples of peacebuilding "tools", as well as extensive reflective exercises, Building Peace Together is a practical reference for...



Publications from the Digital Library

Die Türkei hat gewählt - und die Demokratie hat gewonnen

Rürup, Bettina Luise

Die Türkei hat gewählt - und die Demokratie hat gewonnen

Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen der Kommunalwahlen am 29. März 2009
Istanbul;Bonn, 2009

Download publication (420 KB, PDF-File)

An overview of the "headscarf issue" in Turkey

Çağatay, Selin

An overview of the "headscarf issue" in Turkey

kemalism, islamism and the women's movement
Istanbul;Bonn, 2010

Download publication (440 KB, PDF-File)

Labour relations, social rights and trade union movement in Turkey

Labour relations, social rights and trade union movement in Turkey

current developments
Istanbul, 2016

Download publication (580 KB, PDF-File)

Türkiye'nin Uzun AB Yolu

Rürup, Bettina Luise

Türkiye'nin Uzun AB Yolu

Istanbul;Bonn, 2010

Download publication (508 KB, PDF-File)

Küresel Sorunlar Karsısında Avrupa ve Türkiye

Wieczorek-Zeul, Heidemarie

Küresel Sorunlar Karsısında Avrupa ve Türkiye

Sivil Toplum ve Demokratik Kalkınma ; Federal Almanya Ekonomik Isbirliği ve Kalkanma Bakanı Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul'un 3 Ağustos 2009 tarihli konusması
Istanbul;Bonn, 2010

Download publication (855 KB, PDF-File)

Turkey Office

Istanbul Office
+90 212 310 82 37
+90 212 258 70 91

Ankara Office
+90 312 441 85 96


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