
Spaces of Peace: Conflict Resolution and Experiences of Civil Society Organizations in Peace Building Processes

Our publication covers experiences of seven civil society organizations on social reconciliation, which was organized at the Peace School seminar series by Diyarbakır Political and Social Research Institute (DİSA). The e-book is available in Turkish, Kurdish and English, whereas you can order its printed Turkish version via e-mail.

The construction of a peace house is possible with spaces of reconciliation. Creating spaces of reconciliation can neither be done by the end of conflicts alone, nor is it something that actors in conflict can do alone; moreover, political actors cannot achieve such a social construction alone. Contrary to popular belief, conflicts do not only take place between the conflicting parties. These conflicts destroy social relations in many economic, social, cultural, administrative, spatial and psychological areas and create new social relations "poisoned" with hatred and hostility and these new relations create sub-systems and systems.

Going beyond nonviolence, going beyond politics, re-establishing poisoned social relations requires a multi-layered, multi-actor and multi-dimensional social mobilization from micro scale to macro scale. Civil society actors can play a key role in such a mobilization. They can contribute not only to the re-establishment of relations in the social field, but also to the transformation of the political field.


Cuma Çiçek
1. The Role of NGOs In The Construction of Social Peace: A Theoretical Frame
Cuma Çiçek
2. Socialization In-Groups and Peace Culture: The Experience of Şiddetsiz İletişim Derneği (Nonviolent Communication Association)
Vivet Alevi
3. Advocacy and Public Communication: The Experience of Hak İnisiyatifi (Rights Initiative)
Reha Ruhavioğlu
4. Social Cohesion Sensitive to Conflict: Eco Political Experience
Tarık Çelenk
5. Protection of the Citizens and The Experience of DUY-DER: The Issue of Mine and Conflict Waste Problem
Özlem Öztürk
6. Monitoring and Accountability: The Experience of İnsan Hakları Derneği (Human Rights Association)
Öztürk Türkdoğan
7. Intermediation and Facilitation
Şah İsmail Bedirhanoğlu
8. Direct Service Delivery: The Experience of Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı (Human Rights Foundation of Turkey)
Metin Bakkalcı
Epilogue: There Are Always Things To Do For Peace
Vahap Coşkun

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